Eight years ago, three friends had a simple, if ambitious, idea.
What if data had no limits? What if a platform existed that was infinitely scalable, infinitely flexible – that could adapt to the needs of the user seamlessly, without hands-on intervention? That only charged companies for the storage and compute that the user actually used?
And so Snowflake was born.
Now, on the eve of their IPO, Sköna is proud to have been part of Snowflake’s journey from idea to publicly traded company. We’re grateful to have played a part in helping to share Snowflake’s message with the world, turning a groundbreaking product into a brave brand.
We’ve also had a lot of creative fun together along the way – thought-provoking billboards, record-breaking events, three (!!!) website redesigns, and beautiful, compelling visuals to tell their great story.
We wish our friends at Snowflake all the best for the next step of their data journey. Congratulations!