As a B2B marketer, you know that creating good content isn’t enough. Far from enough. You know that the content also has to be of interest to the audience. It has to be of help; it has to provide some insight or knowledge; preferably offer a solution.

And the more you know about the audience, the easier it is to do just that – create interesting content – hence the rise of Account Based Marketing (ABM) and Vertical marketing. With ABM, you target individual organizations (accounts) while vertical marketing involves targeting entire industries. They both have in common that they create a clear framework for the content creation process since the target audience’s’ needs are in focus – it’s easier for us to create better materials.

ABM has proven to be a big undertaking for many marketing departments. It’s a lot of work, a big investment, to tailor materials for just one account;. Therefore many marketing departments have turned to vertical marketing as a happy medium. You are still focused, but you are able to cast a bigger net.

But. To be successful you’ll need more than just a sprinkling of a few industry terms and learn some jargon, faking industry knowledge is hard. Rather, you have to do your homework, really dig in to understand the process, challenges, opportunities of the industry at hand. And you need to add a bit of humbleness to the tone of voice of your campaign. Remember, you are just a ‘visitor’, there are always things your target audience can teach you about the specific industry at hand.

When doing vertical market it’s sometimes easy to forget your actual target audience; it’s not the entire industry, it’s the people you are targeting – that one person at the company, inside that vertical.

ABM or vertical marketing – as marketers, we are always talking to individuals.

“To be successful you’ll need more than just a sprinkling of a few industry terms and learn some jargon, faking industry knowledge is hard.”

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Sköna – B2B Creative Marketing Agency

Sköna is an award-winning global boutique creative agency specializing in human-centered branding, design, and advertising. We create bold, authentic brands that resonate and stand out. With offices in San Francisco and Stockholm, we blend Swedish design sensibility with Silicon Valley innovation to deliver memorable, impactful experiences across all touchpoints.

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